Uses of the verb "To raise" in Spanish / 5 minutes of Spanish + Podcast (English version)


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 Spanish version

Welcome to episode 223 of The 5 Minutes of Spanish and thank you very much for raising the audio on your cell phone or computer and listening to us.

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Today we are going to talk about a verb in English that has many meanings in Spanish and can cause confusion: to raise.


Exactly, it is a very versatile verb in English, but in Spanish, depending on the context, it can be translated in several ways.


Let's look at six of the most common uses with examples.


1️ Levantar / Alzar (to lift something to a higher position)


Los que estén a favor, que levanten la mano, por favor. / "Would all those in favor please raise their hands?"


Alzó la ventana y se asomó, pero la cerró de inmediato porque vio a su vecino en ropa interior. / He raised the window and leaned out, but closed it immediately when he saw his neighbor in his underwear


También usamos "alzar" cuando hablamos de la voz: We also use "alzar" when we talk about the voice:


Tuve que alzar la voz para que me escucharan en la fiesta ¡La música estaba a todo volumen! / "I had to raise my voice to make myself heard at the party. The music was blasting!"


2 Aumentar / Subir (to increase or make something bigger, higher, etc.)


Aquí to raise se usa para hablar de aumentos en cantidad, tamaño o intensidad.


El gobierno planea subir los impuestos…y me dan ganas de mudarme a Marte. / "The government plans to raise taxes… and I am thinking about moving to Mars."


La empresa decidió aumentar los salarios de todos sus empleados en un 5%. Pequeño detalle: los precios subieron un 10%. / "The company decided to raise the salaries of all its employees by 5%. Small detail: prices went up by 10%."


3 Criar / Cuidar (to take care of a person, animal, or plant until they are fully grown)


Este uso de to raise es muy común cuando hablamos de niños, animales o cultivos. This use of to raise is very common when we talk about children, animals or crops.


Sus padres murieron cuando era bebé y la criaron sus abuelos. Y sí, los abuelos siempre terminan siendo los héroes de la historia. / "Her parents died when she was a baby and she was raised by her grandparents. And yes, grandparents always end up being the heroes of the story."


El granjero cría pollos y cerdos… y dice que ellos tienen más disciplina que sus hijos. / "The farmer raises chickens and pigs… and says they have more discipline than his kids."


4️ Plantear / Expresar (to bring up an issue or concern)


Durante la reunión, decidió plantear sus preocupaciones sobre los nuevos cambios de política. Aunque lo único que le preocupaba era el café frío. / "During the meeting, she decided to raise her concerns about the new policy changes. Although her only real concern was the cold coffee."


5 Recaudar (to collect money for a cause)


Están planeando recaudar dinero para la caridad organizando un maratón local. Yo prefiero donar sin correr, gracias. / "They are planning to raise money for charity by organizing a local marathon. I’d rather donate without running, thanks."


Después del terremoto, muchas organizaciones se unieron para recaudar fondos y ayudar a reconstruir las zonas afectadas. / After the earthquake, many organizations came together to raise funds and help rebuild the affected areas.


Liga Mac todos los años organiza un festival de música para recaudar fondos. /  Liga Mac organizes a music festival every year to raise funds


6️ Mejorar – To improve


Este uso de "to raise" se aplica cuando hablamos de mejorar estándares, calidad, rendimiento o expectativas.


La empresa quiere mejorar la calidad de sus productos. / The company wants to raise the quality of its products.


Necesitamos mejorar el nivel de nuestro servicio al cliente. /  We need to raise the level of our customer service.


As you can see, to raise has many meanings in Spanish, so don't worry if it confuses you at first.


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See you soon


Bye, bye


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