El verbo "disponer" y sus derivados / The verb "disponer" and its derivatives / 5 minutes of Spanish + Podcast- English version


El verbo "disponer" y sus derivados / The verb "disponer" and its derivatives

Hello, how are you! Good morning, good afternoon or good evening, depending on where you are or what time you're listening to us.

Welcome to episode 222 of the 5 minutes of Spanish! Thank you for being here willing to listen to this interesting podcast about this language that unites us.

Yes words are important, with words we not only communicate, but we express emotions. We can brighten someone's life, but we can also hurt them.

Listen the podcast

How do you say “palabra” in English?

Word. And what i sour workd today?

Today we have a verb and it is to dispose. It's one of those verbs that sounds serious, as if it always wears a suit and tie.

As if he always wore a suit and tie?

Yes, very formal. But, don't be fooled, this verb can appear in contexts as formal as an office or as casual as a conversation between friends.

¿Qué significa "disponer” ? What does "disponer" mean?

En español, "disponer" tiene muchos usos:

1 Preparar algo (to prepare something):

Por ejemplo, "Juan dispuso todo para la fiesta: música, comida y la excusa perfecta para no limpiar después."
(Juan prepared everything for the party: music, food, and the perfect excuse not to clean up afterwards.)

Tú estás dispuesto a escuchar con atención

You are willing to listen carefully

2 Tener algo disponible (to have something available):
Por ejemplo, en una rentadora de carros: ¿Tiene un jeep disponible? For example in a car rental company

Do you have a jeep available?

En el contexto legal:/ legal context
"La ley dispone que todos deben pagar impuestos."
(The law states that everyone must pay taxes.)

También ,"Disponible" es el amigo siempre listo.. Also, “Available” is the friend always ready.

Significa "available" y se usa para cosas, personas o servicios.

"¿Estás disponible para cenar mañana?"
(Are you available for dinner tomorrow?)

"El café está disponible las 24 horas en este hotel."
(Coffee is available 24/7 at this hotel.)

"El doctor estará disponible en 10 minutos, pero si quieres, ve practicando tu paciencia."
(The doctor will be available in 10 minutes, but if you want, start practicing your patience.)

 "Disponibilidad es el sustantivo derivado de "disponer" y se refiere a estar libre o accesible para algo. “Availability” is the noun derived from ‘dispose’ and refers to being free or accessible to something.

"La disponibilidad de boletos para el concierto es limitada.

(Ticket availability for the concert is limited)

¿Vamos con una historia para reír?/ Shall we go with a story to laugh about?

"Luis, we have 3 days off. Where should we go?"

"I don’t know, what destinations are available?"

"Look, there are tickets to Cancún, but the hotel availability is a mess. Only one room without air conditioning is left."

"Just what I needed… Now we’ll have to allocate an extra budget for a fan."

In Spanish;


Imagina esto: María y Luis quieren ir de vacaciones.
"Luis, disponemos de 3 días libres. ¿A dónde vamos?":
"No sé, ¿qué destinos están disponibles?"
Después de buscar vuelos y consultar a Eduardo y Alejandro en Unique trips
"Mira, hay boletos para Cancún, pero la disponibilidad del hotel es un desastre. Solo queda una habitación sin aire acondicionado."
María suspira: ahh
"Lo que me faltaba... Ahora tendremos que disponer un presupuesto extra para un ventilador."
"Just what I needed… Now we’ll have to allocate an extra budget for a fan."

Dos frases para llevarte (Takeaway phrases):

"La disponibilidad de taxis en la madrugada es muy limitada."
(Taxi availability in the early morning is very limited.)

"Disponer de tiempo para descansar es esencial."
(Having time to rest is essential.)

Thank you very much for being available these 5 minutes to listen to Spanish.

If you enjoyed the podcast, please share it with a friend.

See you in the SpanishUp2u.com workshops, in the classes at our new addresses in Cabo San Lucas or San Jose del Cabo, by Zoom on Thursday Spanish Club or listen to us next Wednesday.

See you later.

Bye, bye.





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