What does 'ajeno' mean? Practice with fun examples / 5 minutes of Spanish (English version) + Podcast


What does 'ajeno' mean? Practice with fun examples


Hello! How are you? Good morning, good afternoon or good evening depending on where you are or what time you are listening to us.


Lo ajeno / the foreing/ the alien

Welcome to this podcast for learners of Spanish as a second language and thank you very much for being here. What is the topic of this Spanish 5-minute podcast 207?


Today we are going to explore an interesting and somewhat mysterious word: ajeno. We're going to study its meaning, origin and, of course, add a touch of humor so you won't be “ajeno” to the fun of learning.


Where does this word “ajeno”, “ajena” come from?


This little word comes from the Latin “alienus”, which means “of another, belonging to another, distinct, different.  Alienus in Latin, from here also comes alien or alien, the different one.


Let’s see, let’s see, this thing about aliens… Alien is that which is not one’s own, that which belongs to another. In English: foreigner, estranger or alien.


Although, don't worry, we are not talking about aliens invading your house... yet.


The Romans were already thinking about things that weren't theirs and about what was alien to them.


Let's take a look at some examples:


Be careful not to damage other people's property because you're going to get in trouble.


“I felt a strange emotion when I read someone else's letter.” A little pity for reading someone else's....


And he can express indifference, can't he?


Yes, for example: He seems oblivious to everything going on around him.” Nothing interests him, he just looks at his cell phone


A teenager…


She has always been oblivious to political discussions, she lives in her world.


And in history?


There is a famous phrase of Benito Juarez Mexican president in 1867 said: “En los individuos como en las naciones el respeto al derecho ajeno es la paz” In individuals as in nations, respect for the rights of others is peace."

You can read it on many murals, in books and ..... on the Mexican 20-peso bill.


And Jesus said: “Nada de lo humano me es ajeno” "Nothing human is alien to me."

And all the moms in the world say: Don't take what belongs to others without permission, it's bad manners or be careful, you're playing soccer in someone else's yard, you're going to break something.


And speaking of soccer...There were people who said that they were alien to any sport, you identify with this: “in Canada nobody plays soccer”...But now: soccer is no longer a sport alien to Canadians, we have to congratulate them because they were among the 4 best in America and it is the first time they participate in the Copa America of soccer.


Fútbol is futbol -soccer o football


We clarify it, just in case!


Great job, excellent team! Excellent team!


Let's use this word that may be new to you and as you can see it is even in the 20 peso bills we use every day.


Remember, learning Spanish doesn't have to be apart from having fun, we'll see you in the next podcast!


If you enjoyed today's 5 minutes share it with your friends, don't leave them without Spanish!


See you in classes or workshops, 24/7 on SpanishUp2U or listen to us next Wednesday.


See you soon.




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