Surrender to Spanish / Rendirse al español - 5 minutes of Spanish (English version) + Podcast


Hello, how are you?

Good morning, good afternoon or good evening, depending on where you are or what time you are listening to us.



Thank you for being here and welcome once again to these 5 minutes of Spanish in the middle of the week, today we have another request, right?


Yes, Emmanuelle asks us to talk about the use of the word rendir and its derivatives.


Oh, let's make these 5 minutes yield, let's get to it!


The verb “rendir” is one of the most versatile terms in the Spanish language, with different meanings depending on the context. Let's explore the uses of rendir and look for new phrases to apply in your conversations with Spanish speakers!


What does “render” mean?


Rendir is to produce or generate a benefit: In this context, “rendir” refers to the efficiency or productivity of something.


I'm interested in productivity, any examples?

Rendir- to yield, to render

Rendimiento- yields, performance


Tire yield: "Las llantas de alta calidad suelen rendir más kilómetros, proporcionando una mayor durabilidad y ahorro a largo plazo." "High-quality tires usually yield more kilometers, providing greater durability and long-term savings."


La batería rinde

Let's move on to cars.

Battery performance: “The battery in a Tezco Model range can yield up to 600 kilometers on a single charge, depending on driving conditions.”


The battery ...Tezco Model Range?


It's an electric car....we're not going to advertise any brand in the 5 minutes....


Well...yes dear: “The battery of a Tezco Model gama can yield up to 600 kilometers on a single charge, depending on driving conditions.”


If we talk about food products we can say.


"El arroz es un alimento que rinde mucho, ya que una pequeña cantidad puede alimentar a varias personas." “Rice is a high-yielding food, as a small amount can feed several people.”

Writing utensils: Estos marcadores no rinden nada, son malos. These markers yield nothing, they are bad.


In addition, the verb “surrender” in its reflexive form means to give up or give in to a situation, either out of exhaustion, inability to continue, or a decision to accept defeat.

Se rindió, no pudo arreglar la ventana y la dejó cerrada. He gave up, he could not fix the window and left it closed.


Historical example "En la Batalla de Puebla, el 5 de mayo de 1862, el ejército mexicano, liderado por el general Ignacio Zaragoza, venció a las tropas francesas, que se rindieron a pesar de ser consideradas las más poderosas del mundo en ese momento." “At the Battle of Puebla, on May 5, 1862, the Mexican army, led by General Ignacio Zaragoza, defeated the French troops, who surrendered despite being considered the most powerful in the world at the time.


On the economy:


"Después de horas de negociaciones, la empresa se rindió y aceptó las condiciones del sindicato." “After hours of negotiations, the company relented and accepted the union's conditions.”


In the romantic context- El chico se rindió frente a los encantos de la chica. The boy surrendered to the girl's charms.


Se rinde a su amor

¿Y tú? Que llegaste hasta aquí en el Podcast: ¿te vas a rendir en tu meta de dominar el español?

What about you? You made it this far in the Podcast: are you going to give up on your goal of mastering Spanish?


Learning a language can be a challenge, but every step you take brings you closer to your goal. I know you are not going to give up on your Spanish; keep going, don't throw in the towel. Every new word, every grammar rule you learn, brings you a little closer to fluency.


Keep practicing and enjoying the learning process!


Thanks for listening. Share and Like us on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube.


Visit us on Spanishup2U, Thursday at the free workshop or hear us next week.


See you soon




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