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Apapachos : 5 Minutes Spanish on the middle of the week / 5 minutos a la mitad de la semana de Los Cabos, México

  English version / See the Spanish    Apapachos Hello friends? Good morning, good afternoon or good night! In the 5 minutes of Spanish in the middle of the week we are going to talk about the words that originated in Mexico and were spread around the world. They belong to the Nahuatl language, a very important language, spoken by many people, still spoken, written and it is the first language of many Mexicans.   When the Spanish arrived, America was populated by between 5 and 9 million people or more, according to the writings of Spanish priests. Nahuatl with all its variants was spoken in the area since the 5th century and we must remember that the Olmecs, Toltecs, Mayas and then Mexicas were among the first civilizations in the world.   And with the conquest, many vegetable, animal and mineral products unknown to Europe until that moment were incorporated into daily life. And the words of the Native American languages, now we are speaking of Nahuat...

5 minutos de español: hecho (done-made): ¡Dalo por hecho!

  Hello friends,   In these 5 minutes of Spanish in the middle of the week, we are going to reflect on the word "hecho", but this time with an aitch.   Remember that last Wednesday we talked about the difference between: “echo esto al bote de basura” (I throw this in the trash can) y “hecho en China” (Made in China).   We said that echo without aitch is from the verb echar (to throw away) and hecho with aitch, is the past participle of the verb hacer (made or done) or a noun.   The cake is made (hecho) with flour, eggs and butter.   The cake is made with love   We could analyze the verb hacer (to make or to do) but, it has many meanings according to the context, impossible for these 5 minutes of Spanish.  So, let's talk only about its participle: “hecho” and the noun “hecho”.   According to the dictionary “hecho” has several meanings and uses   It's what happens, it's an event.   In English it's v...

5 minutes of Spanish in the middle of the week / La comida

Escucha aquí Hey, Hi. Thank you very much for listening to the 5 minutes of Spanish in the middle of the week. Let's talk about cooking vocabulary, it's not very intellectual, but actually cooking and eating is something we do every day, at least one of the two actions. When do we eat? Uh, actually, all day, we shouldn't eat so much. In the morning we have breakfast. How do you form the word breakfast? The prefix "des" means denial, not fasting. We break the healthy fast we have during the night, about 10 hours. It's the same in English: breakfast, break fast. How is breakfast in the Latin world? In Mexico, breakfast is abundant, just like in the rest of North America. In other Latin American countries breakfast is coffee with milk, toast or bread and a fruit juice, it is the same as in Spain. And at noon? It is the main meal of the day; it is called lunch in Mexico. In South America and in Spain, lunch. Lunch is...