Victories and defeats- 5 minutes of Spanish (English version) + Podcast


Alcanzar una meta

Hello! How are you? Good morning, good afternoon or good evening depending on where you are or what time you are listening to us.

 Spanish version

Welcome to this podcast for learners of Spanish as a second language and thank you very much for being here. Let's get to the point: what is today's topic?


Today on podcast 205 we are going to talk about victories and frustrations.



Victories and frustrations, these words don't need translation, right? Because they are cognates with English. Victories and frustrations in love, in history or in business?


Just words that speak of victories or frustrations in different situations.


For example, we say to achieve (“lograr”) a victory.


Lograr - achieve is a verb that indicates the action of reaching an objective or goal after effort or work.


Lograr- to achieve

Alcanzar- to reach


Lograr algo implica superar situaciones y continuar a pesar de las dificultades. / Achieving something involves overcoming situations and continuing despite difficulties.


En el proceso de aprendizaje de una nueva lengua, como el español, lograr fluidez es un objetivo común para muchos estudiantes. / In the process of learning a new language, such as Spanish, achieving fluency is a common goal for many students.


In the history of the United States, one of the most important achievements is the country's independence.


July 4, Independence Day, commemorates the adoption of the Declaration of Independence in 1776, when the thirteen colonies won their freedom from British rule.


So, congratulations to all American students


Happy 4th of July!


Continuing with achievements


Achievements are the result of effort.


Accomplishments can be large or small and are a source of motivation and personal satisfaction.


In the context of learning Spanish, achievements can range from learning to conjugate a new verb tense to being able to hold a fluent conversation with a native speaker.


In terms of grammar, the verb lograr is regular in all tenses, ¡viva el verbo lograr!



Conseguir -   to get

Obtener -      to obtain

conquistar -   to conquer

ganar -           to win


On the other hand, to achieve objectives is the road to Success.


Success is the positive conclusion of a project or projects.


Éxito – success. Not to be confused with exit, “salida”.


In life, success can manifest itself in different ways, such as achieving a professional goal, obtaining good academic results or improving our language skills.


And how do we talk about the opposite of success?


It is failure or defeat. Defeat refers to failing to achieve a goal or losing in a competition.


For example, in 1776, the Continental Army suffered defeat at the Battle of Long Island.

Derrota- defeat


However, defeats should not be seen only as failures, but as opportunities to learn and grow. Every defeat offers valuable lessons that can help us adjust our strategies and improve in the future.


Defeat: A Learning Opportunity

So, what happens when you give up?


Giving up means giving up on a goal because we believe we can't achieve it.


The road to success is full of achievements and defeats. The important thing is not to give up and continue to strive to achieve our goals.


Each step, whether it is a small achievement or a big defeat, brings us closer to our goals.


Perseverance and determination are key to success in any aspect of life, including learning a new language like Spanish.


Thank you so much for being there and making it this far in the podcast!




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