Friendship and happiness: Celebrating Friend's Day and our Inner Child" Thank you friends and let's practice Spanish!


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Friend's Day has its origins in the famous landing of man on the moon. This was the event chosen by Enrique Ernesto Febbraro, an Argentine speaker and dentist, to motivate the world to value these life companions who are so important, especially when we are children.

Friends in childhood are essential, we learn a lot from them, for better or worse. Happiness often depends on those experiences with friends. We continue to remember them and always keep them with us in our inner child.

We also value the friends we make throughout life! The friend is someone we choose and we must take care of, just as we take care of a plant.

Why July 20, which is also International Moon Day?

Enrique Ernesto felt great empathy with Edwin Aldrin and Neil Armstrong for their feat. Those of us who lived in those years (they told me about it, of course) remember the expectation and emotion surrounding the event. I suppose the announcer had the photo signed by the astronauts posted on the wall of the room... ..he sent them a letter and a month or two later he received a beautiful autographed photo... ..the members of NASA were very attentive.

I also think he watched the event or tried to watch it, in black and white with lots of horizontal and vertical stripes, about 12 hours after the fact.

What did Febbraro do?

 He sent through the Post Office, that is, he went to the Office and stamped 1,000 postcards inviting people to request a signature to request July 20 as Friends' Day. The handmade postcards and putting the stamp with your tongue since the pandemic had not yet passed, a great effort!

700 people responded, which is great, we send 2,000 emails week after week to practice Spanish and those who open them are very few, anyway. Ernesto was successful and so we began to remember this day to our friends.

What to do on Friends' Day?

And well, you have an excuse to remember either your childhood talking with a friend from that fantastic time or with recent friends about things in life. And laugh, it's the best medicine.

You can also eat and drink, being with friends is good for the soul.

Thank you friends, it is great to coincide in this world and in this time!

We read each other! Thank you very much


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