Viajamos por la mente? Do we travel through the mind? 5 minutes of Spanish (English version) + Podcast
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Mente y pensamientos |
How are you? Good morning, good
afternoon or good evening depending on where you are or what time you are
listening to us.
Welcome to this
Spanish podcast, number 211, what is the topic for this Wednesday?
Today we are going to take a trip back
in time to discover the origin of the word “mind” and how it is related to
other terms we use every day.
Oops we are going
to that mysterious mind, what is the origin of the word mind? Normally we refer
to some word or verb but talking about the mind, isn't it a bit philosophical?
No, let's look at it from the language
point of view.
The word "mind" comes from
the Latin "mens, mentis," which means "mind" or
"thought." Thus, it has long been related to the ability to think,
imagine, and reason.
But in Spanish we
hear mente many times, for example, we talk about mentalidad What is the
difference between mente and mentalidad?
When we talk about “mentalidad,” we
refer to the way a person thinks or sees the world. If someone has a
“positive mentality,” he or she is someone who sees the world from the good
side of things.
And, of course,
“mentality” also comes from the Latin “mens”!
Juan tiene una
mentalidad positiva. Siempre ve lo bueno en cada situación.
Juan has a positive mindset. He always
sees the good in every situation ¿Y los mentalistas?
Now, let's talk about “mentalists.”
No, we're not talking about magicians with special powers, or a TV show, but
people who use their minds to impress others. The word “mentalist” is also
related to “mind” because it has to do with using the power of thought.
El mentalista
adivinó la carta que estaba pensando.
The mentalist guessed the card I was
thinking of.
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Un mentalista |
Mentir y mentiroso:
¡Ojo con esto!
Lying and liar: Watch out for this!
Here comes something curious: “lie” and “liar” are also
related to “mind.” A “liar” is someone
who tells lies. It is as if they are using their mind to create a false
No debes
mentir; es importante ser honesto.
You should not lie; it's important to
be honest.
Un mentiroso
siempre tiene que recordar sus mentiras.
A liar always has to remember their
lies. Pero…escuchamos
mucho el sonido mente cuando hablamos español, ¿por qué?
Many adverbs are formed with the
ending -mente.
“ such as “evidently,” “casually,” and
“traditionally.” Did you know that they are all related to “mind”?
Easy: these adverbs are formed by
adding “-mente” to an adjective. That “-mente” ending comes from the word
“mente,” which suggests that the action is performed “in a mental way” or “with
Rápido- rápidamente Fast - quickly
Lento- lentamente Slowly- slowly
Tranquilo- tranquilamente Calmly
- quietly
Cordial- cordialmente Cordial-
Evidentemente, este guía es la mejor para
conocer profundamente Oaxaca
Obviously, this guide is the best option
to get to know Oaxaca in depth.
celebramos la Navidad en familia.
Traditionally, we celebrate Christmas with family.
How interesting
is our mind!
As we have seen, many Spanish words we
use every day have something in common: mente.
Whether talking
about mentality, lying, or using adverbs like “evidentemente,” all of these
words have a little piece of “mente” in them.
So, the next time you use carefully or
easily remember that your mind is subtly working to make this expression
Thanks for making
it this far into the podcast.
Thanks for sharing and you know, if
you definitely want to improve your Spanish, join SpanishUp2U our Spanish
Friends Club.
See you next Wednesday with another
linguistic and cultural exploration.
See you soon
Bye, bye
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