Recién 5 minutos de español / English version

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Good morning, good afternoon or good evening depending on where you are or what time you are listening to us.


Thank you very much for being here participating in this podcast about Spanish, a language that we love and that today summons us.


 We thank you for being with us in this podcast week by week and if you want to study or improve your Spanish click here and we will contact you.


What is our topic today?


We are in December and it seems to us that we were just in the last Christmas, a short time ago we were talking about the 4th of July and now we are in the last month of the year.


Well Malena, we know that time goes by, but let's not be so negative, we are only in the first days of December. I remind you that we have 5 minutes, I repeat: What is today's topic?


I know, that's why in this podcast 173 we are going to talk about the term "recién" (just, recently).


What does "recién" mean?


“Recién” - recently is an adverb used to indicate the time elapsed from a specific moment to the present or to highlight the novelty or freshness of something. It is commonly used to express that something has happened recently or that it is in a fresh or recent state.


Shall we see some uses?


It is used to refer to events that happened a short time ago in relation to the present time


Recién llegué a casa. / I’ve just arrived home.

Another use?


To express newness or freshness: It is used to emphasize that something is freshly baked or in a fresh state.


Example: Este pan está recién horneado. / This bread is freshly baked.

The bread fresh out of the oven is delicious!


Another place where you may hear the word fresh is in reference to newborns.

Newborn babies need a lot of attention.


Finally, recién can indicate that someone is just arriving in a situation and will need to adapt.

María recién llegó al taller de español y necesita adaptarse un poco a cómo funciona y conocer a todos los compañeros. / María has just arrived at the Spanish workshop and needs to adapt a little to how it works and get to know all the classmates.


What about you? Have you just started studying Spanish or have you been studying for years? If you don't want to seem like a newcomer to the world of Spanish click here and start now in this club where you will soon improve your Spanish.


Do you know that learning Spanish is easy? What do you think? If you want to practice a little bit click here and make an appointment to chat a little bit in Spanish.


Para mañana jueves tenemos una sorpresa para ti o algún amigo: ¿te gustaría practicar el español básico? Te invitamos a un taller gratuito este jueves a las 2:00 MT. / For tomorrow, Thursday, we have a surprise for you or a friend: would you like to practice basic Spanish? We invite you to a free workshop this Thursday at 2:00 MT. Cliquea aquí para reservar tu lugar. /. Click here to book your place.


You may be thinking: "but guys, I'm listening to this whole podcast in Spanish, I don't need basic Spanish..." we'll see you Friday at two o'clock. Click here and reserve your place in the free intermediate and advanced conversation workshop.


Is there a fee?


No, both workshops are free, you just have to register.


Thank you very much for making it this far in the Podcast. And thank you for listening, participating, suggesting. Spanish in Cabo and SpanishUp2U would not exist without you. We want you to think and dream in Spanish. This is the mission of the school, so we thank you from the bottom of our hearts for listening.


If you are in Cabo, come and have a freshly brewed coffee.


Or visit us this Friday at La Posada de la escuela and have a champurrado.


See you at the Zoom workshops, at the classes in the Cabo San Lucas or San Jose del Cabo centers, at the Facebook cooking experience, at the free workshop or listen to us next Wednesday.


See you soon.




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