Christmas Eve dinner and family Christmas customs / 5 minutes of Spanish + Podcast (English version)

 In this podcast we talk about Christmas dinner in a Latin American family, customs and rituals of this day._______________________________________________________________________________

Good morning, good afternoon or good evening depending on where you are or what time you are listening to us.


Thank you very much for being here participating in this podcast about Spanish, a language that we love and that summons us today.


 We thank you for being with us here week after week, even (even) in these days when we are thinking about vacations and trips.

 Click here for Spanish version

Are we all thinking about the holidays, vacations and travel?


No, of course not, in fact, you are here listening to this podcast 176 where you are going to improve your Spanish, train your brain and learn more about Latin American culture.


So, in this podcast 176 we are not going to talk about Christmas, what is our topic?


Well, even though many people, including you and us, are not thinking about the Christmas party, we are going to talk about Christmas vocabulary.


We're not very original, then....


Well, we said that we practice Spanish and its culture, so these days at the end of December are very important in Latin America, as in the western world. But we are going to refer to the night of the 24th, Christmas Eve, in common families, not to the more touristic events or ceremonies in the cities.


We have many, but many, 5 minutes of these dates, do not forget that we are 15 years old, we are in our birthday month.


Exactly, 15 years this month, thank you all so much for listening and participating. To remember Christmas traditions, we are going to post some of the podcasts from past years on Facebook and Instagram, so you can follow us there, what do you think?


In Mexico, for example, cities, plazas and houses are decorated. There are cities where there are living Nativity scenes and very traditional and important celebrations. In addition to the Posadas, which are a characteristic of Mexico and very fun. 


And the Christmas carols that I love.... don't worry, I'm not going to sing!


Ah, thank goodness! Let's go with some vocabulary


¡Feliz Navidad! - Merry Christmas!

¡Felices fiestas! - Happy holidays!

Posadas - Christmas Party

Nochebuena -Christmas eve

Villancicos - carols

Velas - candles

Árbol de Navidad - Christmas tree

Piñata- piñata

Chocolate caliente - hot chocolate

Champurrado - hot chocolate with corn flour

Misa de Gallo- Midnight Mass


For the average Latin American family, Christmas Eve is a family night, eaten at home. Turkey, chicken, salad and in Mexico champurrado, in other Latin American countries chocolate.


Does the whole family go to Mass?


Many years ago yes, now it is not very common and Masses are no longer at midnight since the 60s. But the whole family waits until twelve o'clock to toast.


To toast, chin-chin, when we toast we say Merry Christmas or Salud!


We toast with cider, champagne, wine, beer, water, chocolate, juices, and more.

Brindar- to toast


And we toast with the right hand because the left hand is associated with bad luck, you must also look the other people you are toasting in the eyes.


What other things do we do?


Arrangements with candles and mistletoe

Muérdago- mistletoe


Mistletoe is thought to be very romantic and that if the couple kisses under a mistletoe they have great love. But in reality, it's a tree pest.


Uyy that's not very romantic, it is traditional Christmas almost everywhere in the world, it is of Celtic origin (Celtic) What else do you do on this day?


On the night of the 23rd you put salt and then on the morning of the 24th you sweep, the salt is for purification. Not all families do it, some do.


And what else is done?


Red underwear is worn, for love. But the most important thing is the exchange of gifts by the Christmas tree and the nativity scene.


Any non-meat food?


In Mexico Romeritos is a vegetable stew. In other countries tomatoes stuffed or rolled with vegetables and mayonnaise...


How hungry! How delicious!


What about you? Are you going to toast with your right hand too? We are going to toast to these happy 15 years of Spanish in Cabo and we are going to keep you in mind.

And to all the listeners of the Podcast, the Spanish walkers and the students and former students.


Merry Christmas


See you soon




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