This is a scoop! ¡Esto es una primicia! / 5 minutes of Spanish + Podcast / English version


How are you? Good morning, good afternoon or good evening depending on where you are or what time you are listening to us.

 Spanish version

Les doy una primicia / I give a scoop

Thank you very much for being here week after week and accepting the challenge to practice Spanish for 5 minutes with us. We are Malena and Eduardo teachers at Spanish in Cabo and SpanishUp2U.


We are in 5 minutes of Spanish and this is episode number 157 (one hundred and fifty-seven) It is a very, very special episode. We ask that if you are reading it, hopefully in Spanish that you turn on the audio, okay? That way you have more Spanish input, but if you click here you will have a lot of material to practice.


It's great to listen to Spanish and even if you don't understand word for word try to understand the general meaning. But why is this episode of the podcast so important?


Click here for audio

Ah! because today we have a surprise, an exclusive news, something we are doing for the first time and remember that Los 5 minutos started in 2020, it's already old, I mean the Podcast, of course.


Okay, okay, but let's get specific, what is today's word?


The scoop.


Yes, you already said we have a scoop, but; I repeat: what is today's word?


Our word is scoop, a noun that means First fruit of anything and in actuality news that is made public for the first time.

For example: The newspaper announces a scoop, Leonel Messi is playing in the U.S.A.


That is not a scoop.


Ah sure, it's not new.... So, let's go to show business:

Renowned actress Soyla Rosa Espinosa del Campo will be vacationing in Los Cabos and taking courses at the prestigious and elegant Spanish in Cabo.


Ah, well that's a scoop. Scoops are usually about sports or show business.


But we have better ones for you than this actress.... the actress is really famous, do you know her?


Primicia  - scoop, premiére.  preview. 


And in French annonce exclusive, annonce inédite or scoop.


And what is the history of this word?


It comes from the Latin primitiae-arum. It was an offering given to the divinities for the harvest or the beginning of the hunt. That's why it means first fruit of any activity.


Cosecha harvest

Caza hunting


Shall we go to synonyms?


Novedad        Novelty 

Debut            Debut

Noticia           News


Other synonyms in English-first news, inside exclusive first time / Antonyms in Spanish- tardío - delayed


Words that rhyme with “primicia”


Avaricia          greed, avarice

Justicia           justice

Caricia          caress

Malicia          malice

Alimenticia    alimentary


This word is nowadays used for the press but also for new events.

For that this word is related to emotion, excitement, enthusiasm, curiosity, exclusivity, power, adventure, be the first, harvest and happiness.


How about you? Do you like the scoops? We have one for you. We are very happy and enthusiastic with an event that we will perform by first time.  We are going to invite you to a 3-day challenge in which you will be able to participate live on Zoom and discover how to break communication barriers.


And the best part, totally free!

And it will be next week, you will receive the information, but you are the first to know. !

You would like to take this challenge, click here and get Spanish walker.


SpanishUp2U is your measure, up to you! You can listen to podcasts about travel, news, grammar, crafts, culture, whatever interests you and also participate in Zoom classes, every day you have your challenge. Do you have to do everything? Of course not, just what interests you, according to your time, up to you.


If you made it this far in the podcast, Spanish interests you, get rich in words. Challenge yourself.

Scheduleyour free 30-minute one-on-one lesson and get a PDF of exercises. 

Thank you very much for taking this challenge and listening to us. If you liked it, share it with your friends.


We are on Spotify, Amazon Music, our YouTube channel and on our blog. Leave us a comment.


We could tell you that with SpanishUp2U you are going to improve your Spanish, but we are not going to do it, find out for yourself.


We challenge you to see us in the classes or workshops, in the cooking and language experience, 24/7 on SpanishUp2U or next Wednesday.


See you soon.



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