Embrace communication / Abraza la comunicación - 5 minutes of Spanish + Podcast Englis version


How are you? Good morning, good afternoon or good evening depending on where you are or what time you are listening to us.


El abrazo

Thank you very much for being here week after week and accepting the challenge to practice Spanish for 5 minutes with us. We are Malena and Eduardo teachers at Spanish in Cabo and SpanishUp2U.


We are in 5 minutes of Spanish and this is episode number 158. This is a special week. We ask that if you are reading it, I imagine in Spanish, that you turn on the audio, yes? This way, you have more Spanish input, but if you click here you will have a lot of material to practice.


It's great to listen to Spanish and even if you don't understand word for word, try to understand the general meaning. But why is this week so important?


Because starting Thursday we have a challenge, we are going to have Spanish workshops every day until Saturday. On Friday two workshops at 10:00 and at 1:00.


So, we have a week full of words, what is today's word?


El abrazo


A good word, embrace is a very good thing, a way to greet a loved one.


Embrace is a masculine noun, it is the action of putting one's arms around. The verb is abrazar.


It is a type of greeting, a token of affection.


Do people always greet each other with a hug?


In Mexico yes, in other Latin American countries with a kiss.


How much we suffer in the pandemic for not hugging each other.


Let's go to the vocabulary


Abrazar   to hug or to embrace

Besar- to kiss

Muestra de cariño- a token of affection


Shall we go to synonyms?


Saludo - greeting

Apretujón - squeeze


Words that rhyme with abrazo


Arañazo -             Scratch

Bazo -                  Spleen

Codazo -              Nudge

Padrazo –            Great father

Pedazo -              Piece

Manotazo -          Swipe




Hugs, not bullets, Mexico's president's policy to achieve peace.

The Australian hugger who became famous for this.


Other uses of abrazar?


In another sense, to embrace is to support a doctrine or opinion.

Cat Stevens embraced Islam


You can embrace sadness, it's a technique they recommend when you're sad about something. It's something they recommend when you're grieving.


We can also embrace communication. We are very excited about our project which is a free event, we are going to reflect on strategies and routines to improve your Spanish.


Three days for you to embrace communication

Not to be missed


Would you like to embrace communication? We are waiting for you in our Ageless Spanish Challenge: break barriers, embrace communication /Español sin edad /rompe barreras y abraza la comunicación.


Would you like to take this challenge, click here.


We look forward to seeing you Thursday, Friday and Saturday at 10 am in Cabo. It's free of charge. If you haven't signed up yet, do it here.


SpanishUp2U is up to you! You can listen to podcasts about travel, news, grammar, crafts, culture, whatever interests you and also participate in Zoom classes, every day you have your challenge. Do you have to do everything? Of course not, just what interests you, according to your time, up to you.



Thank you very much for taking this challenge and listening to us. If you liked it, share it with your friends.


We are on Spotify, Amazon Music, our YouTube channel and on our blog. Leave us a comment.


We could tell you that with SpanishUp2U you are going to improve your Spanish, but we are not going to do it, find out for yourself.


We challenge you to see us in the classes or workshops, in the cooking and language experience, 24/7 in SpanishUp2U or next Thursday in the Challenge.


See you soon

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