Checar, chequear or revisar? How we use the verb to check in Spanish?- 5 minutes of Spanish& Podcast (English version)


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Thank you very much for being here participating in this podcast about Spanish, a language that we love and that today summons us. I am Eduardo Satorno, Spanish teacher at SpanishUp2U and manager of Unique Trips, your travel agency.

 Versión en español

I am Malena Algorta, Spanish teacher at Spanish in Cabo and at SpanishUp2U. If you want to know more about your Spanish practice site click here and you will see all the podcasts, videos and lessons that we prepare for you, so you can master Spanish. We are in 5 minutes of Spanish and this is episode number 111.


Welcome! Thank you for being with us week after week, for your comments, for listening and participating in this family that is Spanish in Cabo. Once again we will speak in Spanish, if you need the English version you have the help of our catrin Larry, just click on that image and that's all...


But, if you listen to us week after week you are already understanding more, aren't you?


Of course, you are, try to understand the context, not word by word, remember that Spanish has many cognates, that is, similar words in other languages, such as English and French, once you identify them it is easier.


Exactly, and today we are going to talk about a cognate, in fact, it is an anglicism, that is, an English word that by its use is accepted in Spanish. If you pay attention, on your next trip to Mexico you will hear it every day.


And what is that word?


Today's word is the verb “checar”, it comes from the English verb to check and it is used a lot.


But, we already talked about this verb in the 5 minutes .... There are so many words and sayings in Spanish, why repeat?


Well, in 111 podcasts we have the right to repeat ourselves. Here we leave you the link on Spotify about checar and chocar, the January 2021 podcast for you to reflect on this verb and check our podcasts on Spotify and


It is a very easy verb because it is used exactly the same as in English. We talked about a sentence with this verb.... 


What a memory! The phrase is: "Lo que te choca, te checa". In other words, what bothers you in another person or situation is actually what you don't like about yourself or the situation you are in. Many times life is a mirror.


For example, you criticize a flaw in someone else, but you have it too. That's why it bothers you so much and you pay attention to it, that is, it checks you.


In my case, with this verb “checar”, something like that happens to me, I don't like it at all, it was not used before and there are many verbs in Spanish that mean the same thing.


Exactly, revisar, controlar, anotar, corroborar ….. (to check, to control, to note, to corroborate .....)


And yet, we are talking about this verb that shocks me, bothers me and I don't like it.


And we are doing it for the second time: "what shocks you, you check".


But it is an easy verb for those who speak English and can be learned quickly.


When do we use it?


At the gas station, the attendant says: “¿le checo el aceite?” "Should I check the oil?


At the office:” chequé todas las facturas antes de entregar los papeles al contador, ¡qué aburrido!”  I checked all the invoices before handing in the paperwork to the accountant, how boring!


In the kitchen: “¿Checaste la sal?” Did you check the salt?


On an information sign: “cheque esta información.” check this information.


In a store like a shoe store, the saleswoman says: “un momentito, voy a checar si tengo ese modelo de zapatos“ - Just a moment, I'm going to check if I have that model of shoes.


What is the difference between “checar” and “chequear”?


They mean the same thing, to check, to examine, to review. Checar is used more in Mexico and Guatemala, in other countries chequear. You can hear it both ways and it is accepted by the Real Academia Española.


A medical “chequeo” checkup is necessary once a year. In this case, the noun is chequeo.


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Thank you very much for making it this far in the Podcast. If you liked it, share it and leave us your comment. Do you want to practice more with these words? Schedule your individual 30-minute appointment and get a PDF of exercises.


We could tell you that with SpanishUp2U you are going to improve your Spanish, but we are not going to, find out for yourself. See you in the classes or workshops, in the cooking and language experience, 24/7 in SpanishUp2U or next Wednesday.


See you soon.






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