Tiempo vs weather (clima) & time vs tiempo, vez, hora. 5 minutes of Spanish

Hey, what's up, friends? 

In these 5 minutes of Spanish in the middle of the week we are going to talk about the “tiempo”. Yes, the “tiempo”. In Latin America we say that when we want to start a conversation with someone we don't know, we talk about the weather.
How does the heat treat you?  Or, in a Zoom class we start with a general conversation to break the ice and ask, how's the weather over there? Very hot? How many degrees?

We talk a lot about the weather because it's part of our lives and it's not up to us to change it, just to adapt to it, right? (¿A poco no?)

But the word “tiempo” has many specific uses and can be a little complicated. In these 5 minutes we are going to reflect on the use of “tiempo” as weather or climate, the equivalents of the word time in Spanish and some expressions with the word.

1Time about weather 

We refer to time as weather and usually combine it with the verb to do.
Qué buen tiempo hace en Cuernavaca, le dicen la eterna primavera.
What good weather there is in Cuernavaca, they call it the eternal spring.

It was very good in June in Los Cabos, it was not so hot.

En la Baja, Todos Santos tiene muy buen clima, siempre hace buen tiempo, no llueve casi nunca y en verano no hace demasiado calor. ¡qué bueno!
In the Baja, Todos Santos has very good weather, it's always good, it hardly ever rains and in the summer it's not too hot.

2 The word time in English has 3 equivalents in Spanish: tiempo, hora and vez

1 Time = amount of time

I'm sorry, I don't have time.
Lo siento, no tengo tiempo.

When you see someone you haven't seen in a long time:

Hola María, ¡tanto tiempo! ¿qué es de tu vida? ¿y la familia?
Hello Maria, it's been a long time! What's your life? And the family?

El tiempo pasa muy rápido, ya estamos a finales de julio.
Time passes very quickly, it's already the end of July.

Como decía Lennon el tiempo es eso que pasa mientras estamos ocupados haciendo otras cosas.
As Lennon said, time is that which passes while we are busy doing other things.

Tengo muchas actividades y no tengo tiempo para estudiar español. (este ejemplo no me gusta, pero es real)
I have a lot of activities and no time to study Spanish. (I don't like this example, but it's real)

¿Tienes un tiempo para mí hoy?
Do you have some time for me today?

 O si quiero un poco de tiempo lo decimos en diminutivo, para ser más amables o más cariñosos: ¿Tienes un tiempito para mí esta noche?
Or if I want a little time, we say it in diminutive, to be nicer or more affectionate: Do you have a little time for me tonight?

Hace mucho tiempo que conozco a Pancho era compañero mío de la secundaria, ahora es un diplomático ¡Las vueltas de la vida!
I've known Pancho for a long time. He was a classmate of mine in high school, now he's a diplomat.

Mi madre decía siempre: El tiempo es oro. No malgastes el tiempo, haz cosas productivas.
My mother always said: Time is money. Don't waste time, do productive things.

El tiempo histórico - Historical time

En los tiempos prehispánicos la comida era muy saludable, comían maíz, chile y tomates. En aquellos tiempos tenían muy buena dentadura pues no usaban azúcar refinada en sus comidas, aunque si les gustaban los dulces.
In pre-Hispanic times the food was very healthy, they ate corn, chili and tomatoes. In those times they had very good teeth because they did not use refined sugar in their meals, although they did like sweets.

¿Leyeron “El amor en los Tiempos del Cólera”?
Have you read "Love in the Time of Cholera"?

2 Time= hour
In this case we are referring to a specific time measurement.
What time did you study yesterday? ¿A qué hora estudiaste ayer?
From 4:00 to 6:00, and I made a lot of progress on the project.

What time is the Spanish workshop on Saturdays?
¿A qué hora es el taller de español de los sábados?
It's at 12:00 noon Cabo time
3 Times = vez, a veces (in this case frequency is indicated)

Do you remember the first time you went abroad? Who did you go with?
¿Recuerdas la primera vez que viajaste al extranjero?

Next time you visit Mexico, you have to come to Cabo.
La próxima vez que visites México, tienes que venir a Cabo.

You'll see, this time it's going to be much better, all the subscribers of the Spanish in Cabo newsletter will listen to this podcast
Vas a ver, esta vez va a ser mucho mejor, todos los subscriptores del boletín de Spanish in Cabo van a escuchar este podcast.

Or maybe you can hear a mother saying this:
Guadalupe, I'm telling you for the last time, I don't want you to make noise, you're disturbing the neighbors.
Guadalupe, te lo digo por última vez, no quiero que hagas ruido, molestas a los vecinos.

I go to the club four times a week but I only swim twice.
Voy al club 4 veces por semana pero solo nado 2 veces.

4 - Some phrases with the word tiempo:

At the same time – at once (al mismo tiempo - a la vez)
Women do a lot of things at once, but men don't.
Las mujeres hacemos muchas cosas a la vez, pero los hombres no.

Make time or make time for (hacer tiempo o hacerse tiempo para)
I have a lot of things to do, but I'll make time to listen to the podcast, I promise.
Tengo un montón de cosas para hacer, pero me voy a hacer tiempo para escuchar el podcast, te lo prometo.

I'm gonna answer these whats apps to make time.
Voy a contestar estos whats apps para hacer tiempo.

Finally, some phrases with time in English
On time 
I'm always on time. (Siempre llego a tiempo) Oops, sometimes it's not true!

“a veces” sometimes
Sometimes I watch horror movies / Sometimes I'm not on time
A veces miro películas de terror / A veces no llego a tiempo

De vez en cuando - from time to time
From time to time we go around the city looking for new places
De vez en cuando recorremos la ciudad buscando nuevos lugares.

Decir la hora - to tell the time
What time is it? / Do you have the time? / Can you tell me the time please?
¿Qué hora es? / ¿Tienes hora? / ¿Me dices la hora, por favor?

Pasar un buen (o un mal) rato -  to have a good (or a bad) time
We had a great time! ¡Nos la pasamos muy bien!
Those were great times at the university. Fueron buenos tiempos los de la Universidad.

And at school we learn to multiply
Por - times
3 x 4= 12 (3 por 4 doce – 3 times 4 twelve)
2x 8 = 16
9 x 9 = 81

Do you know the multiplication tables? - No

Una y otra vez - time after time or again and again
The mother says again: Guadalupe I tell you time after time to keep your clothes in the closet.

Otra vez la madre dice: Guadalupe te lo digo una y otra vez guarda tu ropa en el closet.

Ya es (era) hora - it is (was) ABOUT TIME.
It was time for us to record podcasts to practice Spanish in an easier way
Ya era hora de que grabáramos podcasts para practicar español en forma más sencilla.

Ser hora o tiempo de - to be time to
It's time to finish this weather podcast.
Es hora de terminar este podcast del tiempo.

Finally, and this is not related to tiempo but to thyme.
We love thyme! And it is very good for the throat very useful in times of (en los tiempos de) Covid 19

We hope you had a good time with the podcast of the “tiempo”


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