Master the Verb Subir in Spanish / 5 minutes of Spanish- English version +Podcast

Master the Verb Subir in Spanish from getting on my bike to uploading a photo to Instagram.

Hello, how are you? Good morning, good afternoon or good evening, depending on where you are or what time you are listening to us.


Thank you for being here and welcome once again to these 5 minutes of Spanish in the middle of the week. We are on podcast 209, what is today's topic?


Last week we talked about boarding...


Estoy subiendo al avión, te llamo o te marco al llegar. I'm getting on the plane, I'll call you or dial you when I arrive.


The verb subir is very much used....


Also, we say subir al carro and this is very rare for English speaking students:


¡Súbete al carro, rápido que tenemos poco tiempo! Get in the car, quick, we're running out of time!

Let's look at the different meanings and uses of the verb subir:

1 Subir (To board the plane):

"Los pasajeros suben al avión por la puerta 12." / "Passengers board the plane through gate 12."


2 Subir (To go up, to ascend):

"Subo las escaleras todos los días." / "I go up the stairs every day."

A veces me cuesta un poco esto…Some times this is hard for me…


3 Subir (To increase):

"Los precios suben cada año." / "Prices increase every year."

But... the prices of the Spanish classes in this school do not go up, we have had the same prices for years, right?

Sí…..hay que subirlos, ¡apúrate a asegurar tus clases para el año! hurry up and secure your classes for the year!


Last use of up

4 Subir (To upload):

"Subo fotos a Instagram. / "I upload photos to Instagram."

Let's look at some words derived from the verb to climb


In some cities, like in San José del Cabo we have subidas, that is, small elevations or sometimes not so small...

Una calle en subida. / An uphill Street

"Subimos al elevador en la planta baja." / "We got on the elevator on the ground floor."

There is a song called: ¡Súbete a mi moto!


Don't sing it please, it's by Menudo from 1981.


It has a very nice dance.... from the 80s and it's a song that helps you get in the mood, it's pum pa'arriba.

Subir el ánimo se traduce en inglés como raise your spirits y pum pa´arriba…Up


You can also have a pressure surge, for example.


Yes, especially if you sing...

Subidón de presión o fiebre. / High blood pressure or fever


We are going to upload this podcast to YouTube, I hope you will upload your comment.


This verb is very versatile and its correct use depends on the context. Practice with these examples to familiarize yourself with the different situations in which you can use "subir".


Thanks for making it this far in the podcast. If you enjoyed it, please share it.

See you in our workshops or listen to each other next Wednesday.


Have a good trip in your Spanish learning!


See you soon.


Bye bye.


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