Let's talk comfortably: words and more words in Spanish. /5 minutes of Spanish + Podcast /English version


Hello, how are you?

Good morning, good afternoon or good evening depending on where you are or what time you are listening to us.


Thank you very much for being here participating in this podcast about Spanish, a language that we love and that today summons us.


We are in 5 minutes of Spanish and this is episode number 189.


Welcome! Thank you for being with us week after week, for your comments, for listening and participating in this family that is Spanish in Cabo. Again, we will speak in Spanish, with some translations, if you need the English version you have it in the e mail but the idea is that you understand the context, not word by word / Word by word.


I think that if you listen to us week by week you are already understanding more comfortably, right? And if this is the first time you click on the 5 minutes, get up, you're in a good place: Finish this episode and then look for us on SpanishUp2U, Spotify or RRS.com, Amazon Music, Apple podcast, ¡estamos por todos lados! We are everywhere.


 But it's not very comfortable to listen to the previous 188 podcasts all together.... Take it one step at a time What is today's topic?



This week, we are going to talk about the word "comfortable" and its derivatives.


Ah, but not the Komodo dragon, the largest lizard on the planet that weighs 300 kilos and .


No, the adjective cómodo/ a is written with a c and has an accent on the o, that's why we say esta silla es muy cómoda (this chair is very comfortable), that is, it is a comfortable chair. The adjectives, cómodo/a as well as the noun comodidad derive from the Latin word commoditas, it is what you need to be comfortable.


I like to be comfortable, that is to say, to have comfortable things, like


Ropa cómoda    comfortable clothes or say:

Es un viaje cómodo It s a comfortable trip.


It also refers to people who don't work a lot, it's very comfortable. don't want to exert themselves

It's negative...

Yes, to be a comfortable or a commodore is negative


He is very comfortable or comfortable or is in a comfortable situation.


They are very comfortable, they inherited a great fortune


Heredaron - they inherited


What words are derived from comfortable?


Accommodate which is to put things in order, the opposite is to disarrange or disarrange. It is to find a place for everything....


And everything in its place, of course!




Acomoda las sillas  del salón  Arrange the chairs in the living room, please.


The verb acomodar has a reflexive form.


To accommodate is to obtain a favorable labor or financial situation, for example, to receive favors without following the established steps.


To accommodate in a job or to obtain a right through friendship with someone.  It can have a negative meaning


To be placed or accommodated in a public job without participating in an open competition ,,,,,


We are in election season and political campaigns, so this can be common. In Mexico we speak of chapulines, as they jump from one party to another.


Chapulin- cricket


And you, do you feel comfortable when you speak Spanish? If you want to improve your Spanish to feel more comfortable speaking and listening consult with us, you know, we are everywhere,


Even in the comfort of your home.



Thank you very much for making it this far in the Podcast. If you liked it, share it and leave us your comment and do it comfortably.


 See you in the classes or workshops, in the cooking and language experience, 24/7 on SpanishUp2U or next Wednesday.

See you soon

Bye bye.








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