What does the saying "De tripas, corazón" mean? / 5 minutes of Spanish + Podcast


Hello, how are you?

Good morning, good afternoon or good evening depending on where you are or what time you are listening to us.

Thank you very much for being here participating in this podcast about Spanish that today brings us together.

I am Malena, teacher of Spanish as a foreign language at Spanish in Cabo and Spanishup2U and together with Eduardo, who is traveling today due to family problems, we have been talking with you week by week since 2020.


Click here for the audio

We are on podcast 145 of the 5 minutes of Spanish or Learn Spanish in 5 minutes, we want to say a few words because, if you want to speak the language of Cervantes very well, click here and you will see how you can do it in a fun way, almost without realizing it.


Today ii is a special day and I want to talk about a colloquial phrase that we use in different situations.

¿Te gusta usar frases o refranes? Do you like the phrases or sayings?

Spanish has a lot of sayings that come with our culture. They are beliefs acquired from our parents or grandparents. We repeat them, but in reality, many times they have nothing to do with us.


But, in today's case, this very old saying identifies, at least me, a 100% (one hundred percent) and I think you too, at least at some point in your life.


The phrase is: hacer de tripas corazón.

In English it would be: to bite the bullet. It is not, of course, the direct translation, but it is what it means.


¿Cuándo lo usamos?  When do we use it?


Cuando nos tenemos que sobreponer a una adversidad / when we have to overcome adversity


When you have to move on because we know that everything happens in life, absolutely everything.


Do we see the direct translation?


Las tripas - intestine, innards, insides.


Corazón - heart


Heart you know this word, I hope you do.


“Hacer de tripas corazón” is not show your heart, your feelings. Don't show your heart.


This translation is for you who are running and listening to the 5 minutes.


So, bite the bullet, “muerde la bala” and move on.


Shall we see some examples?


Odio ir al dentista, pero voy a tener que hacer de tripas corazón porque tengo un fuerte dolor de muelas. I hate going to the dentist, but I will to bite the bullet because I have a toothcacke.


Cuando se murió el padre los hijos tuvieron que hacer de tripas corazón y trabajar en el negocio para apoyar a la familia. When the father died, the children had to bite the bullet and work in the business to support the family.


Estudiar por las noches era un gran esfuerzo pero tenía que hacer de tripas corazón para terminar con mis estudios.  Studying at night was a great effort but I had to bite the bullet to finish my studies.


And you, do you like sayings? Do you want to learn Spanish phrases and sayings? Then click here and see all the podcasts, videos and workshops with live, native teachers that you have every day. Be part of SpanishUP2U. In no time you will become an experienced Spanish speaker almost without realizing it.


Don't take my word for it, come in on Friday to the free workshop and listen to the SpanishUP2U walkers (members) talk. It's that simple and that clear.


If you got this far in the Podcast, it means that Spanish, without doubts, interests you, click here and schedule your private interview. This club is for you.


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See you at the workshops on Zoom, in class, at the Friday cooking experience in San Jose del Cabo, on Facebook or listen to us next Wednesday.


Le mandamos un apapacho / We send a hug with the soul / to Eduardo and to all of you who are going through those moments when you have to “hacer de tripas corazón” bite the bullet.






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