Si no vs sino / 5 minutes of Spanish + Podcast- English version


Hello, how are you?

Good morning, good afternoon or good evening depending on where you are or what time you are listening to us.


Thank you very much for being here participating in this podcast about Spanish, a language that we love and that today summons us.


You already know us, don't you? We are Malena and Eduardo, Spanish for foreigners’ teachers at Spanish in Cabo and SpanishUp2U. If you want to improve your relationship with Spanish, click here and discover how in a short time you will be able to speak much better.


And have fun at the same time. Also, you can consult us for trips not only in Mexico but all over the world. Would you like to improve your Spanish while traveling in Latin America?


How about traveling with your family and surprise everyone because you can communicate with the locals? Can you imagine the surprised faces of your family?


We have 5 minutes, let's get to the point or else we'll change the name of the podcast.


Ok, sorry, but I think imagination is also a good tool to learn Spanish vocabulary. Another day we will talk about this, today in this Podcast 147 (one hundred and forty seven) we have some very short words that are a bit complicated using them together.


Short words that combined together can be complicated, what do you mean?


Let's talk about “si no” and “sino”. It is difficult to differentiate them even for Spanish speakers, usually students of Spanish for foreigners are surprised to see written on the blackboard "sino", all together, what does it mean?


If we say “si no”, which is written separately, we are expressing a condition


If you don't want it, you can leave it on the plate;

If you don't study, you work.                

If you don't sleep well, you will get sick.


And the pronunciation is different, otherwise: If you don't like meat, eat vegetables.


On the other hand, with “sino” - but, we deny an element and replace it with another one

Pedro does not speak Chinese but Japanese.

I am not Canadian but Australian

These cookies do not contain sugar but honey


We can use “sino que”, plus a verb

This afternoon I'm not going to the beach but I'm going to write the podcast

Together with also we form “sino también” and here we add information


Not only did she buy a purse, but also some shoes

It is not only a city with cultural life but also with many services.


I have a story of a student, Maria, who lived here and worked online and they told her: "If you don't learn Spanish well, we are going to move you. We need a person here who not only works with the English-speaking market but also with the Latin American market."

This pressure not only prevented her from studying but also made her very nervous and angry. So she decided to change her habits and started studying vocabulary and participating in all the SpanishUp2U workshops.

She studied not only grammar and vocabulary, but also culture. She loved the cooking classes, she didn't miss any of them.

And to make a long story short I will tell you that she was finally left with this job.


What about Spanish?


Not only does he speak it but he writes it very well, in fact he published a book of recipes and some grammar.


Ah like "Aprende Sabores" (Learn Flavors)


Well, yes, did you read this book? But Aprende Sabores is not by Maria but by Eduardo and Malena.


If you haven't read it, you have to read it.


Do you want to be like Maria and master the Spanish language? If this is your situation, click here and you will see how you can do it in a fun way and at your own pace.


 Start now or time will pass.


Too good to be true?


Don't take our word for it, come to the free workshop on Friday and listen to the SpanishUP2U participants speak.


If you got this far in the Podcast, you are interested in Spanish, click here and schedule your private interview. This club is for you. We are not going to tell you that with SpanishUp2U you are going to be a successful Spanish student, find out.


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We are on Amazon Podcasts, Spotify, Apple podcasts, and on our social networks Facebook and Instagram. Write us a comment or support us with your powerful like, it helps us a lot to spread these 5 minutes of Spanish.


See you at the workshops by Zoom, in class, at the Friday cooking experience in San Jose del Cabo, on Facebook or if not, we'll listen next Wednesday.


See you soon,




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