Muñeca: doll or wrist? / 5 minutes of Spanish + Podcast - English version



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Thank you very much for being here participating in this podcast about Spanish, a language that we love and that today summons us.

I am Malena, teacher of Spanish as a foreign language at Spanish in Cabo and Spanishup2U and together with Eduardo, who is traveling today for family reasons, we will be talking with you week by week since 2020.


We are on podcast 146 of the 5 minutes of Spanish or Learn Spanish in 5 minutes, if you are interested in practicing the language of Cervantes click here and you will see how to improve your Spanish in a fun way with a group of wonderful people.


Today we are going to talk about a very simple word but with two meanings / Simple and useful Word with 2 meanings. The word is: muñeca


On the one hand, in anatomy the wrist is the part of the body that joins the arm with the hand. On the other hand, a doll is a toy that imitates the appearance of a woman or girl.


 In the first case, the doll is a set of joints (joints) found in the upper limbs of people Thanks to these joints, the person can perform various movements of his hand. For example:

“Al caerse, el futbolista se fracturó la muñeca

"When falling, the soccer player fractured his wrist",

Fractura- fracture


Practicar yoga fortalece las articulaciones

Practicing yoga strengthens your wrists


Remember that in body parts we do not use possessives in Spanish, that is why we say the wrists, the arms, the finger. It is different from English in this,


Another example:


 Tengo una muñeca muy pequeña y este brazalete es muy grande / I have a very small wrist and this bracelet is very big.


As a toy it is usually intended for girls, although there are also dolls for boys, highly recommended by psychologists.

They can be made of different materials, trap (ragdolls) or loza (crockery) many years ago.

When I was a child, I liked to play with paper or cardboard dolls.

Muñequita is diminutive for doll (Little doll).

Nowadays dolls are made of plastic. Many of them look just like a baby.

In 1959 the Barbie doll was created; do you know it? A very successful brand (successful Brand)

 I had the honor of having the first Barbie in my small town. My mom organized turns for all the girls to play with the Barbie doll. My mom organized turns for all the girls to play with the Barbie doll.

I was very proud to have the only Barbie, anyway. Now there are many Barbies and they are not so valued or cared for anymore.

¿Cuál era tu muñeca favorita?

What was your favorite doll?


The origin of doll is uncertain, it can be a Greco-Roman word or it can also come from the Basque language (basque language) where the word moño or muno means hill.


Also, the word muñeca can be used in an affectionate way referring to a very good or very pretty woman. It is the name of many songs, canciones


And you, do you like these words with various meanings? Do you want to learn more words in Spanish?

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 Chau, chau


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