
Mostrando entradas de junio, 2020

3 claves para el éxito al estudiar español / 3 tips for success when studying Spanish

¿Les gustaría hablar español con comodidad? O ¿poder chatear con amigos hispanohablantes con naturalidad? O tal vez, ¿pensar o soñar en español? De acuerdo a nuestra experiencia en Spanish in Cabo los estudiantes más satisfechos con sus logros son aquellos que cumplen 3 características 1   están determinados, desde el inicio a dominar el idioma   y son consistentes con este objetivo, pero sin ser demasiado autocríticos. Ser un poquitín cabezón, algunas veces, está bien.  Lo hago porque lo hago y no me para nadie. 2 buscan comunicarse con las palabras que conocen y   de forma simple; lo importante es la comunicación. Siempre encuentran la oportunidad para interactuar y lo hacen con alegría no importa si no hablan con perfección. Frases tales como: “siempre fui un estudiante 10, no me gusta tener menos pues compito conmigo mismo. Siempre tengo 10 en todo.   Estas personas tienen el super yo muy desarrollado. En general son exitosos con do...

5 minutos de español: saludos / 5 minutes of Spanish: greetings

In the 5 minutes of Spanish in the middle of the week we are going to comment on something basic, but very practical: the greetings and goodbyes, something more than hello and goodbye. In the Saturday workshops, we work a little bit on this.   It is always interesting, because it is something that is used a lot. That's why we decided to reflect a little on how we greet and how we respond to the greeting, according to the time of day, the context (formal or informal) or the age. Good morning Eduardo, how are you? Very well thanks, and you? or Great, thanks, and you? Good afternoon, how are you? Fantastic, thanks, and you? “¿Qué tal?”, it's a practical expression: how was your day? Very good, we had a new group online and recorded the podcast. How was the beach? Wonderful, Palmilla is the best! If we're on a formal job or with someone we don't know: How are you doing Mr. Satorno? Very well thanks, and you? Good evening, nice to see yo...

5 minutes Spanish / Cinco minutos de español: verbo tocar

Hi, welcome to another 5 minutos de español. Today we have the verb TOUCH. Let's see its uses: 1 – Tocar as the action of touching something "to touch": We hear it a lot now in coronavirus time: one of the recommendations is: Do not touch your face. We also see DON`T TOUCH / PLEASE DO NOT TOUCH signs When you go to buy fruit at the market or the supermarket, what do you do? I touch them to see if they're good and not too ripe. What do you do to see if an avocado's about to come out? I touch the tip. Why didn't you buy any potatoes today? Because, I went to the stall, I touched them and they were soft. When I was a child I lived in a hydroelectric dam and on the big high voltage columns there was a sign with a skull that said: DON'T TOUCH - DANGER OF DEATH - I didn't go near there at all! 2 - Another very common use is: Tocar as "turn to do something In a family we share the tasks and each one has to do...

5 minutos de español a mitad de semana; verbo "dejar" / 5 minutes of Spanish in the middle of the week- verbo dejar

DEJAR Today in the 5 minutes of Spanish in the middle of the week we are going to see some uses and examples of the verb “dejar”.   It's very used in Spanish, I'm sure you've heard it many times and in different contexts. 1 - Dejar as to allow or to let someone to do something They won't let us out because we're in quarantine Let me write this down on my cell phone, then I'll forget it Let us in!   He lets us in Sometimes someone doesn´t know what to say and he wants to save something for later, so he says...     Let me see and then I'll answer... 2 – “dejar” – as to go away from or to leave Lolita left her boyfriend and doesn't want anything to do with men. Perla left Los Cabos and now lives in La Paz 3 – “dejar” -   as to leave behind I am leaving you, I have a lot of things to do at home, I loved seeing you, see you soon! Or do you remember those machines that nobody listens to anymore: ...