La pareja y el flechazo / The couple and love at the first sight- 5 minutes of Spanish - (English version) + Podcast


Hello, how are you?

Good morning, good afternoon or good evening depending on where you are or what time you are listening to us.

 If you want the Spanish version clilck here

Thank you very much for being here participating in this podcast about Spanish, a language that we love and that today summons us.


Let's introduce ourselves, we are Malena and Eduardo. Spanish teachers for foreigners in Spanish in Cabo and SpanishUP2U. If you want to know how to improve your Spanish quickly click here and you will find out.


Also, we organize trips, not only in Mexico, but all over the world.


And if you want to receive information for your next cruise or couple's adventure Click here and we will contact you.


Are we done with the commercials? What is today's podcast about?


Today, in podcast number 136 and in February, we're going to talk about a relationship between two, a partnership.


I know, we're in the month of love, we're going to talk about the verbs “amar”, “querer”, “gustar” ... but, we already did this last year... and the other one ...


Yes, that's why today we are going to talk about the love of a couple, whether it is a marriage, a couple of boyfriends or a couple living together in free union.


Love of two, couple, love of a pair (a pair)


But... there are times when the couple accepts a third member, by mutual agreement, of course, in that case it is...trio....


Couple of three...but, X God, on February 14 we celebrate the day of love and friendship....


Let's talk about two people: couple, not to be confused with bird. It can be a heterosexual or homosexual couple.


Pareja- couple

Pájaro - bird

Matrimonio- marriage

Novios- boyfriends


How does the couple start?


It starts with attraction, a few glances, things in common. The talk


 Or, with love at first sight!


That is, the crush! Let's explain it with an example:

Did you know that Maria is getting married on Thursday?


She's getting married on Thursday, but last year she didn't have a boyfriend and she said she was going to be single forever because we men were all a disaster.


Well, she met someone in a Spanish class and they fell in love immediately, a crush!

If you want the same thing to happen to you as Maria, click here and....


NO, please, here we improve your Spanish, but we don't look for your better half...


“Flechazo” is immediate love, love at first sight, very romantic.


 And this story is true, Maria has found her better half.


Ahh, are you wondering what this means about the better half? To know these sayings and much more about the culture surrounding Spanish click here and become a Spanish walker in the Spanish Club your way, SpanishUp2U.


We are waiting for you in SpanishUp2U which is one of the best clubs to improve your Spanish. Don't take our word for it, come to the open workshop on Friday and tell us about it. Or, schedule your 30-minute appointment to make your study plan.


And if you take a look at our social networks we'll leave some resources to give a card or a song in Spanish to your partner.


What if I don't have social networks?


Contact us by e-mail or WhatsApp


See you soon, in the cooking classes, in the workshops or 24/7 in SpanishUp2U.



See you later.



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