Are you going to leave aside this podcast? 5 minutes of Spanish / Podcast- English version


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Los lados

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Thank you very much for being here participating in this podcast about Spanish, a language that we love and that today summons us. I am Eduardo Satorno, Spanish teacher at SpanishUp2U and manager of Unique Trips, your travel agency.


I am Malena Algorta, Spanish teacher at Spanish in Cabo and at SpanishUp2U. If you want to know more about your Spanish practice site click here and you will see all the podcasts, videos and lessons we have for you to master Spanish. We are in 5 minutes of Spanish and this is episode number 107.

 If you want to read this in Spanish. Click here

Welcome! Thank you for being with us week after week, for your comments, for listening and participating in this family that is Spanish in Cabo. Once again we are going to have an audio all in Spanish and we are going to talk about a word, right?


Dejar de lado / Leave aside

Yes, in these five minutes of Spanish in the middle of the week we are going to talk about a very short word of only 4 letters that applies to many things, sure you have heard it several times.


What's the four-letter word? Can you guess which letter it starts with?


It starts with l and ends with o, it's masculine and it's “lado”. It comes from Latin: latus is a term that refers to the parts that limit a whole.


For example: the access to the square is blocked on all sides, we'd better park the car here.


A mass of cold air will enter from the sea side and will cause temperatures to drop all over the state.... For those of you in Los Cabos, I must tell you that the cold air... is just an example...


We should stay by the fan.... but if you are in Los Cabos and want to go to the beach I recommend going by the Tiendas 17 side, there is a lot of traffic downtown.


We also apply it in geometry and here we have a lot of vocabulary: the sides of the angles.


The sides of the triangle, of the polygon, all geometric figures have sides. The equilateral triangle is the one that has three equal sides.


What is the formula for the area of a square?


Side by side, I have memory. Are there other meanings of “lado”?


It is also the side of a person's or animal's body.


I sleep on my side so I don't snore.


Exactly, if you say so... It is very important to sleep on your side so you don't snore.... On the other hand, the two sides of a coin or cloth are called “lados”.


Which side of the coin do you choose, heads or tails?


In Mexico, eagle or sun. But, all things have two sides....


Furniture has sides. Let's think about a table, when you are going to take it out of a room to go through the door you put it on its side, and pass the legs first....


You are an expert in moving furniture, because you had a furniture store, a few years ago... In the case of clothes we also see that they have sides. For example, I have a sweatshirt that is reversible, gray on one side and printed on the other. It's great for travel, you know that....


Also “lado” implies place. For example:


Next to the bank is the pharmacy


Where is the cat?


In the house next door.


Where did you put the salt?


It's right next to your plate......


“Lado” is also, an aspect that can be considered with respect to something.


On the one hand, at SpanishUp2U you have podcasts and videos made with you, the Spanish learner, in mind. On the other hand, you have 6 weekly workshops for you to practice with the live teacher.

What else do you need? Clickhere and you will start practicing Spanish all over the place.


And how much does SpanishUp2U cost?


1 dollar for the first month for you to try it, so don't miss this opportunity, click here and start improving your Spanish now.


This was the advertising side of the podcast, we couldn't leave aside this commercial moment to tell you everything you have in your Spanish site.


“Dejar de lado” (to leave aside) is to let something go or to leave someone aside too.


Thank you very much for not leaving aside this Podcast and listen to us until the end.

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We could tell you that with SpanishUp2U you're going to improve your Spanish a lot, but we're not going to, find out for yourself.

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See you soon




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