¿Eres una persona exitosa? / Are you a successful person?- 5 minutes of Spanish + Podcast


Hello, how are you?

Good morning, good afternoon or good evening depending on where you are or what time you are listening to us.


Thank you very much for being here participating in this podcast about Spanish, a language that we love and that today brings us together.


Do we introduce ourselves? We are Malena and Eduardo, Spanish as a foreign language teachers at Spanish in Cabo and SpanishUp2U. If you want to succeed in your communication in Spanish click here and find out how to do it your way.


You can also consult us for travels not only in Mexico but all over the world. Would you like to improve your Spanish while traveling in Latin America?


How would you feel getting off a cruise ship in the fantastic Cartagena and speaking Spanish with all the people?


Let's stop dreaming Malena we have 5 minutes to finish with a Spanish word or concept.


Yes, here we go. We are in 5 minutes of Spanish and this is episode number 140 and in this new week we are going to ask you if you think you are successful.


But we already talked about success that for those who speak English is confused with...exit (salida).


That's why we leave you the link of that Podcast from more than 2 years ago.

And today we are going to ask you: what does it mean to be successful? It is an adjective that is used a lot today in the business and career world but can be a bit controversial.


Ser exitosa /o - to be successful

Éxito - success

Negocios - business


In theory, to be successful means to succeed at something.


What is that, something?


Writing a book?


Having a high-paying job?


Having a lot of followers on social networks like Facebook and Instagram?


But Malena, the topic is Spanish. You who are listening to us are studying Spanish as a foreign language, what does it mean to be successful in learning a new language?


Is it speaking like a native?

To know a lot of words?

Communicating efficiently in different situations on a day-to-day basis and with the confidence to do so?


And, if you want to be successful in speaking Spanish click here and you will see how you can do it in a fun way and in your own way.


But let's give you some other tips.


Practice every day, practice makes perfect. In podcasts, classes with friends, Think, it only takes a few minutes.


Don't be afraid to make mistakes. Mistakes are part of the journey.


Errando, errando se va avanzando.   Erring, erring one advances.


Don't compare yourself with the others, everyone has their own rhythms. Concentrate on your progress.


Find friends to practice with such as Spanishup2U.

In fact, in all the items we have to say click here .... but ...


Don't take our word for it, come in on Friday at 2:00 in the afternoon Los Cabos time and listen to those who are practicing in the club.


 This will be your level of success in a few months with SpanishUP2U, no doubt. Most importantly, congratulate yourself for speaking another language, for your accomplishments, bravo! You listened to a whole podcast in Spanish, ¡arriba!


Celebrate your achievements

Logros – achievements


If you got this far in the Podcast, you are interested in Spanish, click here and schedule your private interview. This club is for you. We are not going to tell you that with SpanishUp2U you are going to be a successful Spanish student, find out.


Did you like the podcast of the successful Spanish student? Share it.


We are on Amazon Podcasts, Spotify, Apple podcasts, RRS.com and on our social networks Facebook and Instagram. Write us a comment or support us with your powerful like, it helps us a lot to spread these 5 minutes of Spanish.


See you at the workshops on Zoom, in class, at the Friday cooking experience in San Jose del Cabo, on Facebook or listen to us next Wednesday.


See you soon,



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