5 minutes of Spanish / Words that begin with the prefix auto in Spanish + Podcast


Hello, how are you?

Good morning, good afternoon or good evening depending on where you are or what time you are listening to us.



Thank you very much for being here participating in this podcast about Spanish, a language that we love and that today summons us.


Another Wednesday with your podcast 5 minutes of Spanish or Learn Spanish in 5 minutes, a great way to practice Spanish while doing something else. We are Malena and Eduardo, teachers of Spanish for foreigners and creators of Spanish in Cabo and SpanishUp2U. If you want to improve your Spanish and congratulate yourself for being bilingual, click here and discover how soon you will be speaking like a Latin American.


Click for the audio

And chat with Spanish speakers on your travels. Speaking of adventures, you also have, with us, your Unique trips travel agency. If you like personalized attention, ask us.


How would you feel traveling with friends and being the one who speaks Spanish with the locals, the interpreter of the group? This would boost your self-esteem, wouldn't it?


We finish the commercial batch, let's go to the 5 minutes, what grammar point do we discuss today?


In this podcast number 142 we are going to talk about words that begin with the prefix auto which indicates that the action is performed by oneself.


For example?


Autoadhesivo - self-adhesive

Autocrítica - self-criticism


We have to have a sticker made to promote the podcast: "5 minutes of Spanish" so that all listeners can stick it on their cars.


Sure, a sticker


Yes, that's right, a sticker.


Women tend to be self-critical and self-demanding, right? 

auto crítica y autoexigencia

Autoexigentes - Self-demanding


This prefix is also used with everything related to a vehicle or automobile.

Autopista - highway

Autobús - bus

Autocine - autocinema


To learn Spanish we encourage self-learning and self-assessment. It is very important to be an autonomous and self-taught student.


Autoaprendizaje - self learning

Autoevaluación - self evaluation

Autónomo - autonomus

Autodidacta - self teaching

Many people in today's world with so much stress have self-esteem problems and usually the problems come from childhood. To improve self-esteem you can read ....


Self-help books


Autoestima - self-esteem

Autoayuda - self-help


Do you want to improve your self-image as a Spanish speaker? If this is your situation, click here and you will see how by practicing a little bit day by day you will become an experienced Spanish speaker.


Don't take our word for it, come to the free workshop on Friday and listen to the SpanishUP2U walkers (members) talk.


If you made it this far in the Podcast, you are interested in Spanish, click here and schedule your private interview. This club is for you. We are not going to tell you that with SpanishUp2U you are going to be a successful Spanish student, find out.


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We are on Amazon Podcasts, Spotify, Apple podcasts, RRS.com and on our social networks Facebook and Instagram. Write us a comment or support us with your powerful like, it helps us a lot to spread these 5 minutes of Spanish.


See you at the workshops on Zoom, in class, at the Friday cooking experience in San Jose del Cabo, on Facebook or listen to us next Wednesday.


See you soon,




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