¡A gusto! How comfortable! 5 minutes of Spanish + Podcast


Hello, how are you?

Good morning, good afternoon or good evening depending on where you are or what time you are listening to us.

 See the Spanish version.

Thank you very much for being here participating in this podcast about Spanish, a language that we love and that today summons us. I am Eduardo Satorno, Spanish teacher at SpanishUp2U and manager of Unique Trips, your travel agency.


¡A gusto con los 5 minutos!

I am Malena Algorta, Spanish teacher at Spanish in Cabo and at SpanishUp2U. If you want to know more about your Spanish practice site click here and you will see all the podcasts, videos and lessons that we prepare for you, so you can master Spanish. We are in 5 minutes of Spanish and this is episode number 125.


Welcome! Thank you for being with us week after week, for your comments, for listening and participating in this family that is Spanish in Cabo. Again, we will speak in Spanish, if you need the English version click on the image of Bruno Pegoretti's painting, thanks for your art Bruno!


Click here 

But, if you listen to us week after week, you don't need the English translation anymore; you don't have to click on Bruno's fantastic chicken, do you? 


I'm sure you don't have to look at the translation to understand the context, the meaning in general, maybe for some details. So ... what's the topic today?


Today we are going to focus on sentences formed by two or three words, a preposition plus a noun and sometimes plus an adjective. These words together have a specific meaning.


And they are called?


Adverbial phrases, they are equivalent to adverbs, but they have other functions, such as connectors or discourse organizers.


Sure, like when you say, first of all, secondly, lastly.


Very well. We are going to see 3 examples, all very practical and if you pay attention you will surely recognize them when listening or reading something in Spanish.


The important thing is to use them, because this way what you say is better explained and you can speak in longer sentences.


Let's start with the first one: A gusto! It means that you are very well or feeling pleasure, in a situation or with a person.


In English it would be translated as comfortable. How comfortable I am on the beach.


How peaceful! How comfortable it is here


How comfortable I am with you; I like your jokes.


Are you comfortable listening to this 5 Minute Podcast?


All the employees were at ease in the company with the new measures.


It is a very common expression in Mexico and it also has its opposite which is a disgust, but you won't hear it so much.


We are very comfortable with these examples, but time is running out, shall we continue?


“Por supuesto”, this locution is used to say yes, with a lot of conviction.


Is SpanishUp2U good for improving Spanish? Of course it is.        


Are the gentlemen going to participate in the Spanish workshop?  Of course, they speak very well.


Of course, we are interested in taking care of the environment, what kind of world are we going to give to our children and grandchildren?


If you say of course, you confirm a previous comment. In English it means of course.


Of course, the color black is elegant. Black is classic evening wear.


And last but not least?


We are short on time, however, let's remember one more adverbial locution, “sin embargo”. It is used to indicate that what is said next is contradictory to what was said before,


He was terrified of blood, however, he studied medicine.    


All nouns ending in o are masculine, however there are many exceptions, for example, la mano, la moto.


“Sin embargo” is used a lot in written language and in English it means: however.


We are going to tell you the story of a student who:


This year she didn't have much time to study, however, she made a lot of progress in Spanish, what did she do?


You already know, don't you?


Of course you know, she joined Spanishup2U and studied Spanish at ease with all our content.


What about you, do you want to speak like a Latin American quickly? With SpanishUP2U you will have daily the possibility to practice Spanish day by day. Be a Spanish walker, clickhere and start studying at your own pace.


SpanishUp2U is tailored to you, up to you! You can listen to podcasts about travel, news, grammar, crafts, culture, whatever interests you and also participate in Zoom classes, every day. Do you have to do everything? Of course not, only what interests you according to your time.


Would you like to receive more information and practice other words like these? Schedule your individual 30 minute appointment and get a PDF of exercises. https://calendly.com/malena-spanish/30min


Look for us on Instagram or Facebook where we will be uploading exercises on these topics, leave us a comment or like us.


We could tell you that with SpanishUp2U you will improve your Spanish, but don't take our word for it, find out for yourself. See you in the classes or workshops, in the cooking and language experience, 24/7 on SpanishUp2U or next Wednesday.


See you soon




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