5 minutos de español: creer y crear / 5 minutes of Spanish: creer &crear. English and Spanish version + Podcast


“Whether you believe you can, or you believe you can't, you are right", Henry Ford.


"We are what we believe in", Wayne Dyer.


“The idea is not to live forever, the idea is to create something that does”, Andy Warhol.


How are you?

Good morning, good afternoon or good evening depending on where you are or what time you are listening to us. Thank you very much for being here listening to us and practicing Spanish in these 5 minutes.

As you can imagine, today's topic is to think about these two verbs: creer and crear.


Creer means: To believe

Crear: to create, in this case it is a cognate.


Creer and crear are two powerful verbs that come from Latin.


They are only separated by a vowel in the infinitives which can lead to confusion for a speaker of Spanish as a second language.


Moreover, in the first person, yo, they coincide:

Yo creo en la solidaridad.  I believe in solidarity.

Yo creo una receta de cocina. I create a cooking récipe.


But besides the grammatical coincidence in the first person, as Dyer said, you have an intention in believing and those beliefs influence your day.


If I believe everything is going to go wrong, the whole day is going to be bad.


If I believe the day is going to be excellent I create a perfect day.


Does it have other uses to create?


Yes, it is a verb that is used a lot, let's see some examples:

Es muy inocente, se lo cree todo. He is very innocent, he believes everything.

Yo le creo a esta persona, siempre dice la verdad. I believe this person; he always tells the truth.


Creo que estás equivocado, ésta no es la carretera correcta. I think you are wrong, this is not the right road.

No creo que llueva, hay muchas estrellas. I don't think it will rain; there are many stars

Yo creo en SpanishUptoYou, es un proyecto genial. I believe in SpanishUptoYou; it`s a great project.


Quienes tienen una creencia religiosa son los creyentes. Those who have a religious belief are the believers.


And what does it mean to create?


To create is to found or do something for the first time.


You can create an industry, a musical genre, a play.


The one who creates makes creations, like the paintings we have in Spanish in Cabo that are by Bruno Pegoretti.


From here we salute Bruno an excellent artist with a gallery in San Jose and Jill Hanzen his wife, also an artist, we miss them!


But we have many of Bruno's creations to remember him by, if you come to visit us at Spanish in Cabo San Jose you can enjoy them.


And what are creations?


The result of what has been created.

Thank you very much for making it this far in the Podcast


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