Hello, how are you! Good morning, good afternoon or good evening, depending on where you are or what time you're listening to us. Welcome to episode 219 of the 5 minutes of Spanish! What's our topic? It's December ... Yes, we are in the middle of December, but … we already talked in the last podcast about the passage of time, don't you remember? Is it because of the passage of time? Yes, I remember the last podcast where we talked about the passage of time, of course I remember. Today, we'll talk about something that literally does not stand still: the verb “cambiar” and its reflexive “cambiarse”. Yes, because in life everything changes. We change houses, clothes, ideas, and even moods... especially before moving. How do you say “mudanza” in English? To move or to move house And you know what's the worst thing about moving? Cambiarte tres veces en el mismo día porque no decides qué ponerte par...
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