How do we use the verb “pegar”? - 5 minutes of Spanish- English version + Audio


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Thank you very much for being here participating in this podcast about Spanish, a language that we love and that today summons us. I am Eduardo Satorno, Spanish teacher at SpanishUp2U and manager of Unique Trips, your travel agency.


I am Malena Algorta, Spanish teacher at Spanish in Cabo and at SpanishUp2U. If you want to know more about your Spanish practice site click here and you will see all the podcasts, videos and lessons we have for you to master Spanish. We are in 5 minutes of Spanish and this is episode number 119.


Welcome! Thank you for being with us week after week, for your comments, for listening and participating in this family that is Spanish in Cabo. Once again we are going to have an audio all in Spanish and what is our topic today?


In these five minutes of Spanish in the middle of the week we are going to talk about a verb related, in some way, to the vocabulary of travel.


I know, the verb “viajar”.


Pegar el botón (hilo y aguja)

We already know that you like to travel, Eduardo, but it's not, we already have about five minutes with this verb, we are going to leave here the link in case someone wants to review it. Today we will talk about “pegar”, as it is related to “despegar”.


Last Wednesday we talked about the beautiful sensation we feel when the plane takes off and your trip begins. To take off is then to take off. We say, for example, the plane took off on time. How do we use the verb “pegar”?


To glue is to join or stick something together, for example, we glue a button or we glue something that broke. For this we use, thread in the case of the button. Do you know people whose buttons always come off?


I don't know what you mean... does anyone have this problem? To glue a button you use thread, as you said and to glue other things you use glue.


In the old days things used to be repaired, I remember my dad always gluing things. Also, you can take off shoes, for example, it's quite a painful thing to do.


When we were kids and we were at school our hands would get sticky after making a collage for example. Do you remember that?


And in the kitchen you can stuck something?


You can stick a cake, rice, food in general, it happens if you don't pay attention to the time. I know a person whose food burns every once in a while....


That person is not Eduardo, ha ha. The problem is cleaning those sticky or burnt pots....


As you said that my buttons peel off, I said that your food sticks to you ....


Well, but let's go to the love part of sticking: There are people who like to dance sticking, the songs say: dancing sticking is dancing.

It is related to love, in this case, being very close to each other.  As in the so-called slow songs of the "oldies".


There are no more songs to dance stuck together...On the other hand, a person can be very attached to things. He doesn't want to throw anything away or give anything away.


A child may be very attached to her mother and not want to be separated.


There is a negative meaning of “pegar” and that is to hit, slap or kick.



To hit is to mistreat or hit. You can hit an animal, a child or another person.


A nervous child kicks or kicks. A player kicked a very good kick, in that case it is not negative.


But, to hit is to hit with the fist (punch) or with the palm of the hand (slap) very ugly and violent. 


In a colloquial way you can also say: “¡Cómo le pegó con ese negocio!” It is a success.

Remember that éxito means: success. In other words, to hit him is to find a way to succeed in a business, a relationship, a venture. Amazon hit him with that business.


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Thank you very much for not leaving aside this Podcast and listen to us until the end.


Remember that you are in the best time and in the best place.


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See you soon




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