La Receta / The recipe- Rajas poblanas con crema y chayotes

Rajas poblanas con crema y chayotes


Tres chiles poblanos, una taza de elotes cocidos (en lata), una cebolla grande, 3 chayotes, media taza de leche, media taza de crema ácida, sal y pimienta blanca.


Poner a asar los chiles sobre un comal o en un sartén hasta que queden bien quemaditos. Los ponemos en una bolsa de plástico unos cinco minutos para luego retirarles la piel lo más que se pueda, eso facilitará el proceso.

Cortamos la cebolla en julianas que ponemos a sofreír por unos tres minutos. Mientras tanto vamos a cortar las rajas de chile y las agregamos a la cebolla. Posteriormente vamos a agregar los granos de elote y revolvemos. Agregamos los chayotes hervidos y cortados.

Finalmente vamos vaciar la leche y la crema en el sartén, sazonamos con sal y pimienta y volvemos a revolver todo muy bien. Dejamos en la lumbre (media) por unos 10 minutos más o menos.

Servir con tortillas para hacer unos taquitos. Puedes también comerlas con un arroz blanco y acompañarlas con una cerveza clara fría.

Ingredients - Three poblano chilies, a cup of boiled kernels, 3 boiled chayotes, a large onion, half a cup of milk, half a cup of sour cream, salt and white pepper.

Preparation -

To put to roast the chiles on a comal until they are well burned. We put them in a plastic bag about five minutes and then remove the skin as much as possible, the bag will facilitate the process.

Cut the onion and put to soften for about three minutes. Meanwhile, let's cut the chili into slices and add them to the onion.  Subsequently we will add the corn kernels and stir. Add the chayotes.
Finally, we empty the milk and the cream in the pan, season with salt and pepper and stir everything again very well. We leave in the fire for about 10 minutes or so.
Serve with tortillas to make some taquitos. You can also eat them with a white rice and accompany them with a cold light beer.

English version

Ingredients - Three poblano chilies, a cup of boiled kernels, 3 boiled chayotes, a large onion, half a cup of milk, half a cup of sour cream, salt and white pepper. 

Preparation - To put to roast the chiles on a comal until they are well burned. We put them in a plastic bag about five minutes and then remove the skin as much as possible, the bag will facilitate the process. Cut the onion and put to soften for about three minutes. Meanwhile, let's cut the chili into slices and add them to the onion.  Subsequently we will add the corn kernels and stir. Add the chayotes. Finally, we empty the milk and the cream in the pan, season with salt and pepper and stir everything again very well. We leave in the fire for about 10 minutes or so. Serve with tortillas to make some taquitos. You can also eat them with a white rice and accompany them with a cold light beer. 


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