Stand out with your Spanish / Destácate con tu español / 5 minutes o f Spanish + Podcast- English version
Destacar- to highlight/ to underline Hello, how are you! Good morning, good afternoon or good evening, depending on where you are or what time you're listening to us. Welcome to episode 217 of the 5 minutes of Spanish! What's our topic? I've been thinking about a verb that catches the attention of many students and it's destacar Did you notice how many times we use the word “destacar” in Spanish? Yes, it's true! “Destacar” is one of those words that has a lot of uses. It basically means to highlight or emphasize something. Destacar in English means: to stand out, to highlight, to distinguish. Exactly. For example, when you say "Este mueble destaca por su diseño moderno", you are saying that it attracts attention because of how different or special it is. In English it would be something like “This piece of furniture stands out for its modern design”. Of course, you can also use it with people. As in “Ella se destaca en su...
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