Las vocales en español / Spanish vowels

A    E     I    O      U               

Spanish vowels are never silent, they are always pronounced in a short, crisp way without the glide sounds used in English.

Alejandro          clase         nada        Cabo

The letter a is pronounced like the a in father, but shorter.

el                    ene                mesa            elefante

The letter e is pronounced like the e in they, but shorter.

Isabel           chica             imán              señorita
The letter i sounds like the ee in beet, but shorter.

Hola            con                libro               don Emiliano
The letter o is pronounced like the o in tone, but shorter.

uno             regular           saludos          gusto
The letter u sound like the oo in room, but shorter

Practice the vowels  by  saying the names of these places in América

1 Colombia              4 Guadalajara                      7 Estados Unidos
2 Baja                      5 Tijuana                              8 Canadá
3 La Paz                  6 Guatemala                          9 Honduras

La a de avión, ala, mamá
L e de Eduardo, de Pemex, de elefante
La i de Isabel,  de idiota
La o de oso, omelet
La u de uno

Refranes Practice the vowels by reading these sayings aloud.

"Del dicho al hecho hay un gran trecho"

Learn Spanish and its culture!


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