Las vocales en español / Spanish vowels
Spanish vowels are never silent, they are always pronounced in a short, crisp way without the glide sounds used in English.
Alejandro clase nada Cabo
The letter a is pronounced like the a in father, but shorter.
el ene mesa elefante
The letter e is pronounced like the e in they, but shorter.
Isabel chica imán señorita
The letter i sounds like the ee in beet, but shorter.
Hola con libro don Emiliano
The letter o is pronounced like the o in tone, but shorter.
uno regular saludos gusto
The letter u sound like the oo in room, but shorter
Practice the vowels by saying the names of these places in América
1 Colombia 4 Guadalajara 7 Estados Unidos
2 Baja 5 Tijuana 8 Canadá
3 La Paz 6 Guatemala 9 Honduras
La a de avión, ala, mamá
L e de Eduardo, de Pemex, de elefante
La i de Isabel, de idiota
La o de oso, omelet
La u de uno
Refranes Practice the vowels by reading these sayings aloud.
Learn Spanish and its culture!
Refranes Practice the vowels by reading these sayings aloud.
"Del dicho al hecho hay un gran trecho" |
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