Let's learn about the meaning of the word: "abrigo" and the action of "abrigarse" / 5 minutes of Spanish + Podcast (English version)

Welcome to 5 minutes of Spanish, the perfect podcast for learners of the language of Cervantes. Let's learn about the meaning of the word: abrigo. ...just in time for summer!
 Yes, we know it sounds a bit contradictory, but in this space we explore this beautiful word and the action of getting warm: abrigarse
 Here we break the rules (and get a little sweaty)! So, get ready for 5 minutes of fun learning, with a dash of humor. We're ready to warm you up with knowledge and make you laugh, no matter how sunny the sky is. Shall we get started?


El abrigo

How are you?

 Good morning, good afternoon or good evening depending on where you are or what time you are listening to us.

Thank you very much for being here week after week practicing 5 minutes with us. We are Malena and Eduardo Spanish teachers in Spanish in Cabo and SpanishUp2U.

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We are on 5 minutos de español and this is episode number 155 (one hundred and fifty five) you have a lot of podcasts to practice, right? But if you want to have them all in the same place along with videos, podcasts, materials to study Spanish and many, many live classes click here and you will see it.

Today, as always for the last 3 years, we are going to talk about a verb or a practical expression, a word that you can use the next time you speak Spanish. What is our topic today?

It's a verb, very ordinary, it's also a noun, but to use it these days, at least if you're in the northern hemisphere, I don't know, our word is abrigo. 

We are in July and 34 degrees of heat, it is the middle of summer, why talk about the coat, they will think we are a little crazy.

Well, let's say that heat is energy and coat can also be translated as shelter, protection, asylum.

Yes, in English it is translated as shelter or wrap but, in fact the first translation is coat, jacket, overcoat.

That's right, shelter means protection from danger or a place sheltered from the cold, from storms, i.e. from inclement weather.

As the storm was coming they looked for shelter in some nearby caves

But the most common use of coat is: a garment that protects you from the cold.

In other words, it is a garment open at the front, with long sleeves that is worn over other clothes when it is cold.

Sobretodo- overcoat

Chamarra- jacket

Tapado- cover

Lana – wool

Cuero o piel -leather                                                                                     

Prenda de vestir- clothing item

Mangas largas- long sleeves


And wrap up warm?

It is the verb, the action of protecting oneself from the cold.

Not the ideal verb for summer....        

Well, now you have to unwrap, which is the opposite action.


Let's see examples                                            

Se abriga en la tormenta

The children get very warm so they can go out to play on winter days.

The girl coats herself, she is very cold.

Mothers say: wrap up warm, so you don't get sick.

When you travel to the south of Argentina you have to wrap up very well. 

Besides, remember that if you want to travel, we can help you with your trip with Unique trips your Travel Agency,

And in Los Cabos?

If you come to Los Cabos bring cool clothes, cotton, for example. You only need a light coat or a shall for the airplane because of the air conditioning. And you can also consult us for your trip to Los Cabos or anywhere in the world.

Where does this word abrigo come from?

It comes from Latin, it means to warm up in the sun.

So you can wrap up a child, keep warm at night, in the winter of course...

You can also shelter an idea, that is to say, protect or protect an idea.

Abrigar una idea idea - warm up an idea

And you, would you like to study other verbs like this one? Would you like to abrigar la idea to master Spanish? You can do it this year, click here and become a SpanishUp2U walker,

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