5 minutes of Spanish /¡Feliz Día de la Madre! - About : crear & criar + Podcast / English version


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Good morning, good afternoon or good evening depending on where you are or what time you are listening to us.


10 de mayo, dia de la madre

Thank you very much for being here participating in this podcast about Spanish, a language that we love and that summons us today.


We are Malena and Eduardo, Spanish teachers at Spanish in Cabo and SpanishUp2U. First of all, we want to say Happy Mother's Day because in Mexico May 10th is the day dedicated to mothers, no matter what day of the week it is, it does not change to Sunday.


Happy Mother's Day to all the moms, grandmothers, aunts, godmothers and mothers of the heart. Here we celebrate mothers, we truly cherish them. Although it is not a holiday, it feels like a celebration.


Moms are to be cherished, ¿”Apapachar”?

Click here for listening


To pamper, we have several 5 minutes with this verb.


If you are listening or reading this, I hope it's in Spanish, is that you are interested in the language of Cervantes, so if you are not part of SpanishUp2U click here and discover all we have for you.


I know today we are talking about the word mother, because it is May 10th.


Not exactly, we talked about Mother's Day in Mexico last year and the other and the other. Since 2020 we have the Podcast, we are already 3 years old. In this podcast 149 (one hundred and forty nine) we have a special order.


A request? how nice!


Yes, a very good student who is improving a lot day by day, we congratulate Darrell for that.


Yes, she always listens to us, thank you for that. So, what's the question?


She wants to know the difference between the verbs create and raise, he has trouble telling them apart. It is logical to confuse these verbs, their origin is similar: Crear comes from Latin and criar is born in popular conversation where it is difficult to pronounce the two vowels e a of crear and it becomes criar.


That's why these verbs are confused! But let's differentiate them: Criar is used to feed and take care of animals, including human beings. In this case it also implies to educate.



The mother raises her baby.

How difficult it is to raise children nowadays.

This child was raised by her Nana.


And to create “crear”?

It is to produce, to give life

God created the world


In 1927 Dorothy Gerber, a single mother, created the baby food company and it was a success.


Regarding spelling, criar in the present tense has a tilde, but in the Preterite it does not, let's see


Cría muy bien a su hija   She raises her daughter very well

Crio los niños sola. She raised the children alone.    Although crio is accentuated on the o crio, it does not have a tilde (graphic accent).


Any words with crear and criar?


Criadero- place where animals are raised – Hatchery.

Criada (maid) - A person who helps in the house.


Mal criado- naughty


Crianza wine- ideal gift for mom / wines with less than two years of aging.

But the best gift for mom is a SpanishUp2U membership by clicking here.

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Too good to be true?

Don't take our word for it, come to the free workshop on Friday and listen to the SpanishUP2U participants speak.


If you got this far in the Podcast, you are interested in Spanish, click here and schedule your private interview. This club is for you. We are not going to tell you that with SpanishUp2U you are going to be a successful Spanish student, find out.


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See you at the workshops by Zoom, in class, at the Friday cooking experience in San Jose del Cabo, on Facebook or if not, we'll listen next Wednesday.


See you soon,




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