Nuestras recetas / Our recipes.Chipotle: Easy & fantastic!

Dip de chipotle y mermelada de moras
Receta para emergencias

Tu esposo llega con el jefe y tienes que invitarlo con algo.
¿Te pasó eso alguna vez?
Si no tienes tiempo, deberías leer esta receta.

Does Your husband come with his boss and you have to invite him with something. Does it happend to you sometime?
If you don´t have time, you should read this recipe!


½ lata jalea de arándanos o moras azules.
1 d. ajo picado.
Sal y pimienta.
Chile chipotle de lata al gusto.
Agregarle unas gotas de salsa inglesa.

Todo se licua y está listo para servir sobre queso crema. Acompañe con galletas integrales y decore con ajonjolí tostado y arándanos deshidratados sin azúcar.

Lo emplatas con arte y... listo, ¡así de simple y sencillo!

Chipotle and blueberries marmalade dip

½ can of blue or blackberries.
1 garlic clove.
Salt and pepper to taste.
Chipotle chili to taste (some solid and some liquid from the can).
Add some drops of Worcestershire sauce.

Blend everything and it is ready to be served on top of cream cheese like Philadelphia cheese. Serve on crackers and decorate with toast sesame or dehydrated blackberries.
Serve with art and ready, simple and fantastic!

This is a very Mexican recipe and easy to prepare, are you going to try? 
Send us your pictures!
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