Plan for the year / 5 minutes of Spanish + Podcast (English version)
Hello, how are you! Good morning, good afternoon or good evening, depending on where you are or what time you're listening to us. Welcome to episode 221 of the 5 minutes of Spanish! We're starting a new year, so we're very excited. Do you have your plan for the year? Well, the move, the new What is planning? Planning is like making a grocery list, but for your life. It is designing a plan to achieve a goal. For example, if your goal is to improve your Spanish, you first need to ask yourself, “Why do I want to do it?” And why do so many people study Spanish? Well, there are many reasons: it is the second most used language on the Internet, and it is spoken by more than 493 million people! Plus, learning Spanish can open doors to living in Mexico, touring Latin America as a taco expert, or simply being able to say more than “hola” when talking to your Latino family. OK, but how do I achieve my goal? Easy. First, define your goals. The...